Tuesdays thru 11/19/24, 11:00am-12:00pm
Come join us to explore the "Women of the Bible" and their lessons for today. No RSVP Required. Everyone is welcome!
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS FOR HALLELUJAH NIGHT! Thursday, October 31st, 6:30-8:30pm.
Sign up to be a car car captain or volunteer, traffic director, kitchen assistant, or just serve where we most need you.
Sunday, September 29, during 10:30am service
Kids remain in worship during 5th Sundays! Check in will be in the church foyer.
Mondays in October, 7pm
CONNECT GROUP with Brenda Hubbard. No RSVP required. Everyone is welcome. Just show up!Sunday, October 27, during 10:30am Service
Join us as we celebrate with those who have chosen a new life in Christ Jesus! If you're interested in Baptism, please contact our office directly or click the sign up button below.Sunday, November 3, 12:00-2:00pm
Immediately following 10:30 service in the Cornerstone Youth Room immediately following second service. 2 hour class. Light lunch will be served. No childcare available.
November 15, 6:00pm
All men, ages 13 & up, are invited to join us on the back deck for Burgers & Competition! No RSVP required. Everyone is welcome. Invite a friend!